21 February 2009


Hello there,

Yahoo!!! My exam is over!!!

Well that was 2 days ago and that was only the term exam...

But school Rocks!!!

I have cool, super nice friends...( I'm not gonna mention their name as you will go lost)

Really!!! Well maybe they get onto my nerves sometimes, but DON'T CARE!!!

The super, most embarassing thing happened!!!

You don't want to know it... I don't want to tell!!!

Well, I am still young... So, I have a long more way to go....

Frankly speaking, MY LIFE ROCKS!!!

Don't be sad... I hope your life Rocks too!!! Hek3!!!

See ya l8er!!! I mean 2moro...

06 February 2009

I'm Soooo Sorry!!!

Okey, I know I have been bloging for a long time...

Sorry!!! I was  too busy with my school activities...

Fine... Doensn't my blog look fabulous????

I know it needs touching up a little here and there...

I will get to that later....

Okey, so TTFN!!! Catcha later!!!