27 December 2012

SMILE please. Say CHEESE!

Tu Muskura..
I got all teary when I heard this song for the first time.
I didn't understand the meaning, but the music and the tone of the music struck a chord inside me.
It means, Tu(Your) Muskura(Smile)
I personally feel that a smile is the best think that ever happened on Earth! Like seriously!

Imagine this...
You just came back from a hectic day at school/college/work...
You just got scolding from your superior.
You feel like breaking something.
And then, you suddenly decide to walk by the beach to refresh your mind.

While you're walking, this stranger gives you the most meaningful smile that you have ever seen.
He/she smiled at you for no reason.
First thing that comes to your mind, Is something on your face?No. Is he trying to hit on you?Don't care.
A smile. Thats all he/she did. And you feel like spring has begun inside of you.
[This sounds a lot like a Bollywood movie script, but stick with me!]
After facing the entire day with sour faces everywhere, the one person's smile made everything worth while.
What more would you want?

A few years ago, my friends and I had a school annual trip to the National Science Center.
All 45 of us squeezed into one bus and being young teens, we were so excited to be roaming around the city on our own(since the students out-numbered the teachers, they didn't really bother us much)!

Back to the story.. While we were on the bus, my friends and I decided to smile and wave at everyone walking by the roadside. I loved the look on their faces! PRICELESS! We didn't care who they were. What they did. How they look. Or even the colour of their skin.

We did it because we cared. Bacause we wanted to have fun. And because, we were thankful to have friends by our side. Doing the same crazy, pointless things as me.

I remembered waving at a White man, a Bangladeshi labourer, an old Malay lady, and to a car full of little kids.
Man they were excited. They started mumbling something to the person in-front, and she turned back at us and replied us with a smile.

I'll never forget that. I still try my best to smile at random people while trying to not seem so desperate for a date. XD

As I smile to myself while writing this, I am also hoping for a better future for everyone on Earth.
I want to live in a place I can be proud of. And not be scared to walk out the gate.

25 December 2012

What A Year! 2012!

Good dear lord! It has been quite some time since I updated my blog..
Well, here goes...

Things that kept me busy in 2012..

1) SPM!

It is the Malaysian equivalent of GCSE, O-Levels and WACE. It is the standard national exam that practically decides your future.
So yeah.. I was so busy attending tuition classes, music classes, and preparing myself that I  completely forgot about my blog.. Sorry on that..

2) Losing weight and keeping fit!
For those of you who know me personally, you should know about my health obsession.
Being the chubby kid which was always teased, I made a hard decision to start losing weight.
Till to this date, I still don't know how I started to lose weight, but let me tell you this, it takes  more that a few inspirational quotes to get you on your feet.

3) Hindi!

To be frank, I always knew that I had a flair for languages. And, I currently have an obsession for Hindi. Maybe its because of all the hawt Northern Indian guys! Like seriously, have you seen them?They are sooooo good-looking!The sad thing is that no one in my family speaks Hindi.Once again, I had to learn it myself. Thank god for the free Hindi channel and a lot of daily soaps, I am now able to understand a full Hindi conversation.
4) Love Novels!
Oh man, I love novels! Some novels just go straight to your heart and make you tear up. The latest novel I am reading is 'Dear John' by Nicholas Sparks and I am loving every page of it! Another novel that I will never forget is 'I Too Had A Love Story' by Ravinder Singh. I still remember the story so well, that I felt as if I was living the story. I love novels that I can relate to and novels that trap me in the pages of the book.

Well, now that I am looking back at the entire year, I guess most of my time was dedicated to studying. My results will be out in March and we'll have to plan from then on.

That the summary of the entire year and cheers to another great year!


13 March 2011

When I Don't Feel Great...

Well, recently, I got this emo disease from God-Knows-Who...

Then, picture this, on a bright Saturday morning, after being yanked out of bed by my mum, this string of words just popped into my head... ka-boom!!!

The sparkle in your eyes makes my world go around...

The row of your glimmering teeth blinds me...

My love for you is more than just a crush,

As the thought of you never leaves my mind,

It has been so many years since 'it' started,

But I don't think this feeling I have for you will ever change,

The thought of you with another person makes my turn green in envy,

How did you do it? Capture my heart for so long,

Its like I am under a spell every time I am around you,

Was it your smile? Or was it your eyes?

You are that ray of light that brightens my dull days,

That splash of paint that adds colour to my life,

And that little ball of hope that I look forward to everyday...

I love you so, more than words can say,

More than feelings can express,

But more of all, ILY more than I have loved anything else on the face of this planet...

A thousand miles the distance may be, but only you who lies in my heart...

Straight and freshly baked from the bottom of my heart...

05 December 2010

How to Spend Your Holidays...

  • Learn something new. Learning something new can be fun and exciting. Try learning a new language. Anything is possible through the internet, right? A new language can be useful when you study abroad. Just keep in mind that, learn something that you find interesting, so that you don't get tired and leave it half way.
  • Learn how to cook. I know that most of you girls out there do not know how to cook. Therefore, during this holidays, try learning how to cook. You will never know if you don't try, right?? How bad can it be?? Besides, you get to spend quality time with your mother. It might be essential for you to learn your mom's cooking secrets. 
  • Lose weight or get fit. Losing weight isn't an easy thing to do. Easier said than done. Therefore, you need all the time you can get. Since during the holidays, you control your eating time, sleeping time, and exercising time, it should be easier to lose those extra kilos. Since you are free most of the time, you can also visit the gym more often.
  • Read self-help books. Reading self-help books are very useful. You get to mirror your actions and make yourself a better person. Self-help books also make you more matured, by improving your thinking abilities. So, try leaving all those reality story books, and become a better person. It will be useful in the long run.
  • Watch Documentaries.  Believe me or not, watching documentaries can actually be very interesting?? Documentaries like Man Vs Wild, Dual Survival and 'Man, Woman, Wild', can be very useful. You know, if you ever get stranded anywhere. Just being precautious. Try watching Nat Geo once in a while. It isn't that lame or boring after all. 

Have fun, guys. Cheers^^

04 December 2010

The Ecstasy of Life...

I remember the days,
When my mind used to be.
Overrun with emotions and thoughts
Of all things good and the worst...

As time went by,
With each new day,
And with a brand new life to look forward to,
My mind emptied itself in a flash, just like that...

With a cup of coffee in hand,
I sit back and think about the yesteryears,
Smiling at the change that has taken over me
And the life that I have been blessed with now...

Strolling down the memory lane,
Unafraid of the future,
Blinded by the ecstasy of living
Eventually, with eyes wide open,
I’ve come to understand, that,

Some things, including life, change for the better...

I made this poem a few years ago.. So, if you want to copy it, please leave a note first..

I'll be more than happy to allow you to take it...

06 August 2010

Take A look Around... Is Everything Perfect??

Hola people...

This past week went very fast due to exams... (PMR is coming!!!)

As usual, my week was very busy, and hectic...


I saw something that I totally regret...

My mum and I was on our way to the nearby temple, when we heard this fire brigade on the opposite side of the road in a four-way road...

The fireman was asking the cars in front to give way, but this ultimately stupid car which was in front of the fire brigade wasn't moving at all!!!

All the cars from all directions were honking like hell, but this utterly stupid guy was taking his own time to move!!!


then, I tried to calm myself down and went to the temple... the end...


Went to school - studied like hell - came home - went for tuition - whacked food - went out for a relaxing night - came online - writing in blog...

That's the summary of my boring day...

But, about and hour ago, something made me think about life and the thin line that stands between us and the suffering...

The relaxing night I meant above was to break away from my schedule and spend quality time with my family..

So, for this week, my dad suggested we went there.. As Gautham, my brother, loved the food there....

So, we went shopping, and we decided to eat something in this restaurant... As usual, Gautham took a plate of rice eventhough he ate 2 main meals at home!!!

As we were eating, this lady with a small child(about 4 years old) approached us... She was asking for donations... My mum instantly took a RM2 note and gave it to her with a smile.. The lady smiled back and thanked my mum continuously...  With that money(and maybe some of her own money)she took a seat in the restaurant, ordered a plate of rice with some chicken and no gravy and some vegetables to be shared with both her daughters...

I was so touched that I couldn't keep my eyes off this lady. I wish I could do something to help her, but I was helpless..

Then, this kind gentleman offered to pay for her food and ordered something more healthy for her kids... what a nice person..

That has gotten me thinking, what is there actually there to separate all of us from her?? 

it may be the decisions she had made in the past.. but, no one should suffer for their behavior in the past... all we can do is support these people in everyway we can to help them get through the day.. Life is always a battle of surviving to them...

Unless it is soo obvious that they are people who are scamming us...


05 February 2010

Earn our Respect, not Fight for it...

Hello fellow readers of mine,

Life has been hectic in the last few weeks due to examinations and sports activities..

I had to sacrifice my ‘computer time’ to prepare for my Intervention which was going on for two weeks..

Now, shall we all go to my topic of the day???

I came back home yesterday, with a big smile on my face(it’s hard to see it)..

Guess what?? My First Intervention came to an end..

I decided to celebrate to “aftermath” by watching some television..

My mum soon came back from school, and changed to the tamil channel, that I hardly watch..

They were playing tamil songs requested by listeners all over the world…

I was watching and also was relaxing my heavy head..

And then, it came!!! KABOOM!!! My head was about to burst!!!

A song that was so fast and HORRIBLE!!!

To make things worst, they were badly dressed, totally going over the Indian respectful dresscode..

The ladies were revealing lots of ‘skin’…and the guys looked like that they haven’t taken a bath like since forever!!!

And to top if off, I could understand a single word.. they were like muttering things.. Mostly crap..

I often have a debate with my parents, whom always comment of my choices of English Music…

But, I don’t think that song will change my view of ANYTHING!!!

The present generation enjoy listening to music that makes their head want to burst!!!

Well, these songs are viewed by the other races as dirty, and disrespectful..

They cannot be blamed, because it is true..  but the thing I regter is that, the wonderful, melodious, and calming music are less listened to….

I don’t mean to be racist or anything, but I, myself, as an Indian, don’t think that this behavior is appropriate..

I know of this guy, that I actually respect.. He is 2 years elder than me, and I find him different than the other  Indians in my current school..

For a start, he doesn’t mix around with Indians in the school.. . He is always with this group of Chinese students.. The best part is, he is a science student which proves that he is equally as good in his studies..

Just being frank with all of ya’ll, I am actually closer to the Chinese and Muslims students in my school..

I just find it impossible to get along the same line as the indians.. is not that i hate them, but i have bad memories of them.. so i prefer to keep my distance.. 

But, don't think that I hate indians or anything, but i feel that fellow indians must earn our own name.. this includes always being the best and so on... 

We desperately need this boost to be respected by people..

I hope I didn't offend anyone in this post.. I just felt that I needed to express my feelings..




27 December 2009

Are Song Lyrics Easier to Memorize Than Homework?

Hello fellow bloggers..

Well, on this posting of mine, I would like to discuss about an issue concerning students around the World..

Recently, I received an invitation via Facebook from one of my friends to join this group named 'I memorize Song Lyrics faster than my Homework'...

Without hesitating, I confirmed the invitation... 

When I thought about it, I does kind of makes sense... For an instance, If I hear a song for more than 3 times, if is like a tape recorder playting in  my head...

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one.. there are millions of people with the same problem..

Well, I did some research and found out that, it depends to us to accept or repel the information received...

When we listen to music, it is like relaxing our minds, but actually we are accepting the information... 

When we study, we are being forced to remember formulas, methods, and facts that we fgeel is boring.. This is what makes the information repelled by our subconscious mind..

We don't realize it but this is what that is happening...

I try to push away all interrupting thoughts while I study... And others should do the same too...

Song lyrics like 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus and 'Love Story' by Taylor Swiftare all carbon copied on my skull already... that is the power of our mind... 

Well , signing off from Gayathri Priya., live from Teenager @ Work Headquarters...

19 December 2009

Who Says Girls and Boys Can't be Best Friends?

Hello people... Yup, you've guessed it...

I found another topic to discuss about...

Yup.. There was this argument about guys and girls being really close as friends...

I really beg to differ... I totally disagree on this matter..  I think that a friendship between guys and girls are more meaningful between the same gender...

But, you have to choose certain kind of girls or guys.. Some people just can't get along with each other...

Like I have this group of friends in school who are guys whom I just find impossiblr to get along with...

They are like the Sun, amd I'm the moon...

They are like fire and I'm ice...

They are right and I'm left..

Yup.. You've guessed it again... TOTALLY OPPOSITE!!!

So... Yes, if I agree that guys and girls can make great friends...

But, No, if that guy or girl can't get along with you!!!

But there were also some comment that people that are friends, will soon fall into Love..

Well, I believe that if you friend the other person for who they actually are, you will never fall for them...

Signing off: Gayathri.....

18 December 2009

The Beauty of Music

As all of you know, I am an average teen.. 

And for a teenager, music plays a big role in my life...

I am 1 of those teens who go 'gaga' over The Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus... 

I can never get tired of their music... (esp, Taylor Swift's latest single 'Fifteen')

I know of a question that always run at the back of my parents minds...

What do we, teens, see in young singers that totally attracts us to their music?? 

Well, if I had to answer that, I would say that The meaning to their music is just wonderful.. 

Example, Taylor Swift:

1)Teardrops on My guitar talks about the pain that is felt by teens when their ultimate crush refers to another girl when she herself has a massive crush on him...  Believe me, been there, done that!!!

2)Love Story refers  to the feeling that overcomes a teen when parents get in the way of a pair of lovers... and it is also a typiccal love story to most of us...

3)Fifteen refers to her regrets as a teen when she accepted a love request by an elder boy only at the mere age of fifteen...

Now, tell me,

   -which girl hasn't ever gotten a crush on a totally cute guy???

   -a girl that has never liked a guy that liked someone else??

   -and a girl that is stuck between love and life at a young age??

If you were an ordinary girl, this would be a normal thing to go through..

So young girls like myself, find wonderful meaning and guidance from this songs...

Besides, this songs aren't teaching us wrong values...

They are just explaining life to pre-teens and teens...

This also plays a huge factor in Taylor Swift's and other musician's success... 

So, toodle's from me and have a wonderful night...