27 December 2009

Are Song Lyrics Easier to Memorize Than Homework?

Hello fellow bloggers..

Well, on this posting of mine, I would like to discuss about an issue concerning students around the World..

Recently, I received an invitation via Facebook from one of my friends to join this group named 'I memorize Song Lyrics faster than my Homework'...

Without hesitating, I confirmed the invitation... 

When I thought about it, I does kind of makes sense... For an instance, If I hear a song for more than 3 times, if is like a tape recorder playting in  my head...

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one.. there are millions of people with the same problem..

Well, I did some research and found out that, it depends to us to accept or repel the information received...

When we listen to music, it is like relaxing our minds, but actually we are accepting the information... 

When we study, we are being forced to remember formulas, methods, and facts that we fgeel is boring.. This is what makes the information repelled by our subconscious mind..

We don't realize it but this is what that is happening...

I try to push away all interrupting thoughts while I study... And others should do the same too...

Song lyrics like 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus and 'Love Story' by Taylor Swiftare all carbon copied on my skull already... that is the power of our mind... 

Well , signing off from Gayathri Priya., live from Teenager @ Work Headquarters...